Message redaction

Copyright © 2020 James Wheare <>

Copyright © 2023 Val Lorentz <>

Unlimited redistribution and modification of this document is allowed provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice remains intact.

This specification is a work-in-progress and may have major incompatible changes without warning.

This specification may change at any time and we do not recommend implementing it in a production environment.

Notes for implementing work-in-progress version đź”—

This is a work-in-progress specification.

Software implementing this work-in-progress specification MUST NOT use the unprefixed message-redaction capability name. Instead, implementations SHOULD use the draft/message-redaction capability name to be interoperable with other software implementing a compatible work-in-progress version.

The final version of the specification will use an unprefixed capability name.

Introduction đź”—

This specification enables messages to be deleted. Use cases include retracting accidentally sent messages, moderation, and removing a +draft/react client tag, amongst others. These are cosmetic use cases and do not provide any operational security guarantees.

Architecture đź”—

Dependencies đź”—

Clients wishing to use this capability MUST negotiate the message-tags capability with the server. Clients SHOULD negotiate the echo-message capability in order to receive message IDs for their own messages, so they can be redacted.

Capability đź”—

This specification adds the draft/message-redaction capability. Clients MUST ignore this capability’s value, if any.

Implementations that negotiate this capability indicate that they are capable of handling the command described below.

Command đź”—

To redact a message, a client MUST negotiate the draft/message-redaction capability and send a REDACT command to a target nickname or channel. The command is defined as follows:

REDACT <target> <msgid> [<reason>]

Where <msgid> is the id of the message to be redacted, which MUST be a PRIVMSG, NOTICE, or TAGMSG.

An optional <reason> MAY be provided. As the last parameter, it MAY contain spaces. If the client is authorised to delete the message, the server:

Chat history đź”—

After a message is redacted, chathistory responses SHOULD either:

The draft/event-playback capability is not required in order to include REDACT messages in chathistory responses.

Errors đź”—

This specification defines FAIL messages using the standard replies framework for notifying clients of errors with message editing and deletion. The following codes are defined, with sample plain text descriptions.

Client implementation considerations đź”—

It is strongly RECOMMENDED that clients provide visible redaction history to users. This helps ensure accountability, and mitigates abuse through malicious or surreptitious redaction. This could be done via a tool tip, or a separate log. Redacted messages MAY be hidden entirely from the primary message log, but a deletion log SHOULD be made available.

For the purposes of user interface, clients MAY assume that their own messages are redactable. However, this will not always be the case, and there could be other messages that they have permission to act on. Pending a mechanism for discovering redaction permissions, clients SHOULD allow users to attempt to delete any message via some mechanism.

Clients SHOULD NOT provide a default reason if users do not provide one.

When a REDACT command’s msgid parameter references a known message not in the target’s history, clients MUST ignore it. This allows servers to safely relay REDACT commands targeting messages which they did not keep in their history.

Server implementation considerations đź”—

This section is non-normative.

A key motivation for specifying this capability as a server tag, rather than a client-only message tag, is to enable more granular redaction permissions. Clients might be able to determine which messages are their own, but other use cases would not be feasible without server validation.

Such use cases might include:

Servers may send REDACT commands in chathistory batches sent to clients on joining a channel.

If servers use predictable or guessable msgids, they should consider whether errors returned on REDACT may leak a message’s existence to users who did not receive it (in a channel they are/were not in or in private messages).

Message validation đź”—

To implement validation, servers require a mechanism for determining the permissions of a particular edit or delete action. The user requesting the action would need to be compared against properties of the message, given only the message ID and target.

Servers with message history storage could look up the message properties from the ID, but this might not be possible or desirable in all cases. Another mechanism could involve encoding any required properties within the message ID itself, e.g. the account ID, timestamp, etc. Servers might choose to encrypt this information if it isn’t usually public facing. Any information encoded in a message ID is still opaque and not intended to be parsed by clients.

Fallback đź”—

Server implementations might choose to inform clients that haven’t negotiated the capability that a deletion has taken place. The fallback method used (if any) is left up to server implementations, but could take the form of a standard NOTICE or PRIVMSG with information about the action. It might be preferable to use relative time descriptions if referring to messages in the past, for example: NOTICE #channel :nickname redacted a message from othernick from 5 seconds ago: spam

Implementations might also choose not to send a fallback, if this behaviour is considered too noisy for users.

Security considerations đź”—

The ability to delete messages does not offer any information or operational security guarantees. Once a message has been sent, assume that it will remain visible to any recipients or servers, whether or not it is subsequently redacted. Above all else, clients that do not support this specification will not see any changes to the original message.

Examples đź”—

Deleting a PRIVMSG:

C: PRIVMSG #channel :an example
S: @msgid=123 :nick!u@h PRIVMSG #channel :an example
C: REDACT #channel 123 :bad example
S: :nick!u@h REDACT #channel 123 :bad example

Deleting a TAGMSG:

C: @draft/react=🤞TAGMSG #channel
S: @msgid=123;draft/react=🤞TAGMSG #channel
C: REDACT #channel 123
S: :nick!u@h REDACT #channel 123

Deleting someone else’s PRIVMSG:

C1: PRIVMSG #channel :join my network for cold hard chats
S:  @msgid=123 :nick!u@h PRIVMSG #channel :join my network for cold hard chats
C2: REDACT #channel 123 spam
S:  :chanop!u@h REDACT #channel 123 spam

Software supporting draft/message-redaction: Ergo, IRCCloud, Goguma, Limnoria, Matrix2051